Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 12, 2014

Tool Scan/ Check SSH v 1.0 ( lifetime Version )

Tool Scan/ Check SSH v 1.0 ( lifetime Version )

Description :



+ Check SSH: fresh check ssh

+Scan SSH: SSH Scan from IP range, can scan IP ranges at once

+ Scan Pass: From the SSH has not been found but pass scan, scan pass on pass list available


If you want to buy it , contact me via yahoo : tammaolaanh_vn007
( Complete an easy survey , get real file 100% )

*** If you're using Norton or Avast, this program may come up as a virus, I had problem even running it on my computer (I have norton). So yeah, it's not fishy at all. I can show you the source code. If you don't trust it then don't download.

Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 12, 2014




- Import a list of file ssh
- click ssh connection 
- Connect up to 5, 10 ssh
  - Allow ssh and port edited directly on the tool
  - Tool automatically bind socks 5 
Tool has an intuitive interface is very easy to use. Requirements: .Net framework 4.0


If you want to buy it , contact me via yahoo : tammaolaanh_vn007
How to use :
( Complete an easy survey , get real file 100% )

*** If you're using Norton or Avast, this program may come up as a virus, I had problem even running it on my computer (I have norton). So yeah, it's not fishy at all. I can show you the source code. If you don't trust it then don't download.

Lazy SSH - SSH Scanner - SSH Checker

Lazy SSH - Scanner


* Ver 1.7 ( New Update 2015/08 )

 * Ver 1.0.0


- Scan / Check SSH multithreads

- The tool has three modes:

  •  Scan / Check ip ranges : tool will automatically scan the ip ip ranges watching
  •  Check from file (generate user / pass): if you have one text file and want to use SSH curious user / pass, then use this function.
  •  Check file from (have user / pass): if you have one text file and available rather SSH user / pass and then check to see which one wants to live, then this function (you have to register before you choose Split.
- Helper tab also help you get the IP ranges (ip ranges are updated online , should always ensure the latest ranges 

If you want to buy it , contact me via yahoo : tammaolaanh_vn007 or skype  : tranphucggg       
Crack ver 1.0.0

*** If you're using Norton or Avast, this program may come up as a virus, I had problem even running it on my computer (I have norton). So yeah, it's not fishy at all. I can show you the source code. If you don't trust it then don't download.

Crack ver 1.7 ( 2015/8 )

Download ver 1.7

*** If you're using Norton or Avast, this program may come up as a virus, I had problem even running it on my computer (I have norton). So yeah, it's not fishy at all. I can show you the source code. If you don't trust it then don't download.